Sunday 14 August 2011


August 1st, 2011

England is absolutely breathtaking! What a first day must I say? The funniest thing happened to me as I am first entering the country. So me being lazy I was the last one off the airplane, and thus the last one from my flight to get in line for customs and passport inspection.  As usual the annoying airport staff were yelling at us to fill out a standard form with your passport that allows you to enter the country. As other flights came in, an African American lady with her baby daughter got in line behind me. As the man who was yelling at people in line and checking to see if they had filled out this form or not passed this lady and I, she stared at him dazed and confused. She did not understand the process at all and the guy was being a total jerk to her and really did not give her any help at all. So as that man walks away I offer to hold her baby and told her what to write on her form since I knew what to do. To my amazement when she opened her passport her last name was Touré. I thought ehh probably a coincidence and did not think another second about it. As I easily passed through the passport checkpoint I waited to make sure this lady got through, which she did. As we passed through the door and I looked to see where my baggage claim conveyor belt is I thought to myself that now this is where we go our separate ways…wrong. As I turned to go to my conveyor belt (which was separate from all the other flights) the lady followed me, practically attached to my hip. As I was walking I thought oh lord there is no way I can be the father to this baby and why is this lady following me? As I thought of a way to escape from this lady once I have collected my bags, off in the distance I heard African music being played from somewhere.  Then I heard a deep voice say, “Okay so how long until you think I will get my bags” and I saw two kids dancing to this African music. Suddenly the girl next to me screamed “Kolo”! And the man at the lost luggage office, Kolo Touré, (which happened to be right by my baggage claim conveyor belt) turned around and hugged the girl. At that moment I am dazed, shocked, and somewhat embarrassed because I have already started to dance to the African music and Kolo and the lady are staring at me. The lady and Kolo started to speak in French and he thanked me for helping his cousin through the passport inspection process. Then he started to two-step with his children and me and on day one of my three-four year adventure in England I have created a memory of a lifetime. Of course I get a photograph with the guy and he wished me the best of luck. But what a story huh!

As I left the airport I traveled by train from the Manchester airport to Leeds. It was the first time I had ever been on a train and must I say it was such a spectacular way of seeing the city of Manchester and also the countryside. The valleys and hills were so beautiful and although the ride was tiring (about an hour and 15 minutes overall) I was thoroughly entertained by the English countryside and the three year old next to me as we made faces at each other. From the train station I took a fifteen minute taxi ride from downtown Leeds to my University campus, which is in the area/county/section known as Headingley (if you were to describe exactly where you where in Leeds). As I arrived at the beautiful campus I was happy and relieved to finally be at the place that will be my home for the next three to four years. As I unpacked my luggage from the taxi and used my pounds for the first time in the UK it finally set in that everything I have dreamed for in my life, could now be possible, and I could not be more thankful for this fantastic opportunity that I had been given. The rest of the day consisted of me checking in with the RIASA (Richmond International Academic and Soccer Academy) staff, meeting the other first years, moving into my flat (room), and taking a tour of Headingley. After the tour me and some of the other first years played some 7 v 7 in “the acre” so we got a little workout in to a long, somewhat boring day. Right after dinner (which was hosted by a fine Italian restaurant) I passed out because I had literally been up for two days.  I can not wait for what the rest of orientation.


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